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Lavanya Preschool – Ellawala

Lavanya preschool (comparable to our playgroup) located in Ellawala (Radnapura district) was hit by a major flood. The building was affected by this and, among other things, the pump for the water supply was so seriously damaged that it had to be replaced. Our help was enlisted, and for a relatively small amount we were able to provide the help.
About 25 children attend this preschool. Furthermore, a bed was missing at this school. If a child was ill, he / she was placed on a blanket on the floor. The parents of the children are very involved in the preschool; after the flood the school building was voluntarily renovated and repainted by them.
Horizon Holland has purchased a new water pump and a single bed plus mattress for this preschool (this amount was advanced by us).
Total costs of bed and mattress: € 127, –
Total costs of the water pump: € 110, –

Would you like to support this project? Love! You can transfer your donation to:
Horizonholland foundation
NL61 INGB 0002 4000 60
Thanks for your support!

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